RCIC# R705809


What is a Temporary Resident Visa?

A Temporary Resident Visa (TRV), also known as a visitor visa, is a legal document that must be placed in your passport to prove that you have fulfilled the criteria for temporary resident admission to Canada. Whether you are going to Canada as a student, a temporary worker, or just to visit, you will need a visitor visa unless you are from a nation that does not require one.

Important information: Prior to departing, you must acquire a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV). One is not available when entering Canada.

What are the requirements you must meet for a TRV?

You must demonstrate to the officer that you are in Canada temporarily. You must also:

  • satisfy an officer you'll be leaving Canada after your visit,
  • demonstrate that you have the resources necessary to support you and your family while they are in Canada and to travel back home
  • not plan to study or work in Canada unless you have permission to do so
  • observe the law and have no prior convictions for any crimes
  • pose no threat to Canada's security
  • provide the officer with any extra documentation they may need to verify your eligibility,
  • be in good health (complete a medical examination if required).
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